Guest Scholars:

  • Dr. Chungil Chae (Wenzhou-Keane University, China).

  • Dr. Claire Gubbins (Dublin City University Business School, Ireland).

  • Dr. Peter Gray (University of Virginia, USA)

Topics Include:

  • What is meant by the term Data Analytics?

  • What is the connection between Data Analytics and the concepts of work and the workplace?

  • How does Data Analytics help HRD in working on current organizational challenges?

  • What is the relationship between Data Analytics and HRD?

  • What HRD questions could Data Analytics answer in the coming years?

  • How can HRD professionals leverage existing data within organizations?

  • How can HRD professionals learn how to do Data Analytics?


  • Dr. Chungil Chae (Chad) is Assistant Professor at Kean University's College of Business and Public Management's Department of Management, Marketing, and International Business (Wenzhou, China). He teaches business analytics major courses at Wenzhou-Kean University. His initial step into the HRD field was to enroll in an Indiana State University master's program in HRD. At Pennsylvania State University, he earned a dual-title Ph.D. in Workforce Education and Development (WFED) and International Comparative Education. He became a member of the AHRD community in 2010 and has been active in the HRD community (HPE sig steering member, Korean SIG) as well as writing in HRD, HR, Management, and Education journals. Following his Ph.D., he spent a year and a half as a post-doctoral scholar at ICT, Pennsylvania State University, developing and maintaining D2P2, a cognitive intelligent teaching system. He has focused on the following areas since the beginning of his scientific career: Knowledge structures and practices of sharing; Virtual and technology-centered workforce career, talent, and professional development; Network analysis and social capital in learning and organizational development; and Using computational social science methods in an organizational setting.

  • Dr. Claire Gubbins is Professor of Organisational Behaviour & HRM at Dublin City University Business School, Ireland. Previously Claire was a Fulbright Scholar at Carnegie Mellon University, a visiting Professor in Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University in Riyadh, an Associate Editor for Human Resource Development Quarterly, Director of the DCU Executive MBA Programme, a Senior Research Fellow on the Irish Centre for Manufacturing Research university-industry project on Tacit Knowledge Management, Learning and Systems and Deputy Director (Learning & Knowledge) of the LINK Research Centre. She is co-author of two books: Learning & Development in Organisations: Strategy, Evidence and Practice with Oaktree Press and Learning and Development Effectiveness in Organisations: An Integrated Systems-Informed Model of Effectiveness with Palgrave. Her research is published extensively in top tier journals. Her research interests centre around the domain of learning and development. Claire investigates determinants of tacit knowledge circulation; the role of social networks in facilitating learning processes; and evidence based research and practice as a mechanism for continuous learning and advancing the HR and learning and development function and profession. Claire serves on the council for The Irish Institute of Training Development (IITD) and the Irish Academy of Management (IAM). She is a member of the Irish Institute of Digital Business (IIDB).

  • Dr. Peter Gray is Professor at the University of Virginia’s McIntire School of Commerce, where he teaches courses that connect ideas about innovation, information technology, and strategic management. He has worked with a range of companies to identify and capitalize on opportunities for improving organizational competitiveness by understanding how the networks of collaboration in organizations through network analysis. His research focuses on the collaborative impacts of social technologies, organizational networks, virtual teams, and online communities. His research has been published in a range of leading journals, including Sloan Management Review, California Management Review, Management Science, MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, and Organizational Research Methods, among others. He can be reached at

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This episode is sponsored by: The University of Southern Mississippi’s Human Capital Development programs – find out about them at, and by the Business Analytics Lab in CBPM, Wenzhou-Kean University – find out about them by visiting